Pregnancy and Pediatrics

A human's capacity for health & healing is greatly dependent on the state of the nervous system. Dr. Mike provides an integrative experience that uses gentle adjustments to facilitate nervous system regulation and adaptation. The human body goes through so many intricate changes as it prepares to grow life and birth that new life into the world. Regular chiropractic care can make a profound difference when it comes to your comfort during pregnancy, creating space for baby to grow optimally, supporting a smooth birth experience, healing postpartum, and adapting to life with your baby earth side. 


Chiropractic Care Throughout Pregnancy

Chiropractic and pregnancy go hand in hand. Throughout pregnancy not only is Mom’s body changing, but baby is growing and developing too. Our goal is to make sure we facilitate the body’s ability to adapt, heal, and function at its best. Chiropractic plays a pivotal role in the health of your pregnancy. Through gentle and specific adjustments, we make sure your spine and pelvis are balanced. We will also provide education on lifestyle to ensure optimal health and development for you and your baby. 

Pregnancy and chiropractic, post partum chiropractor, webster technique, breech baby and chiropractic care, babies and chiropractic, natural induction chiropractic adjustment,

Chiropractic care during pregnancy has been shown to assist with:

  • Reducing labor and delivery time

  • Relieving back, neck, and joint pain

  • Preventing potential breech position

  • Reducing the risk for Cesarean section

  • Controlling symptoms of nausea

  • Healthier functioning Nervous System!

  • Creating optimal space and positioning for baby

  • Maintaining an overall healthier pregnancy

The Webster Technique is a specific sacral analysis and technique developed to decrease stress and tension in the pelvis and sacroiliac joints (allowing you to be more comfortable and creating space for baby). It restores proper pelvic balance and function to prepare the body for an easier birth. This technique is utilized in conjunction with others to provide you with the best care possible. 

After birth don't forget to take care of yourself. Having a baby is the most demanding thing you can put your body through. It’s extremely important that your body gets the proper care for recovery. After the baby is delivered, Mom’s body is working extra hard to return the pelvis back to pre-pregnancy shape. Chiropractic care is also helpful during this time with restoring proper pelvic balance and facilitating the healing process.

Chiropractic Care Throughout Pregnancy

Chiropractic and pregnancy go hand in hand. Throughout pregnancy not only is Mom’s body changing, but baby is growing and developing too. Our goal is to make sure we facilitate the body’s ability to adapt, heal, and function at its best. Chiropractic plays a pivotal role in the health of your pregnancy. Through gentle and specific adjustments, we make sure your spine and pelvis are balanced. We will also provide education on lifestyle to ensure optimal health and development for you and your baby. 

Chiropractic care during pregnancy has been shown to assist with:

  • Reducing labor and delivery time

  • Relieving back, neck, and joint pain

  • Preventing potential breech position

  • Reducing the risk for Cesarean section

  • Controlling symptoms of nausea

  • Healthier functioning Nervous System!

  • Creating optimal space and positioning for baby

  • Maintaining an overall healthier pregnancy

The Webster Technique is a specific sacral analysis and technique developed to decrease stress and tension in the pelvis and sacroiliac joints (allowing you to be more comfortable and creating space for baby). It restores proper pelvic balance and function to prepare the body for an easier birth. This technique is utilized in conjunction with others to provide you with the best care possible. 

After birth don't forget to take care of yourself. Having a baby is the most demanding thing you can put your body through. It’s extremely important that your body gets the proper care for recovery. After the baby is delivered, Mom’s body is working extra hard to return the pelvis back to pre-pregnancy shape. Chiropractic care is also helpful during this time with restoring proper pelvic balance and facilitating the healing process.

Pediatrics (Newborn - 12 months)

It can be hard to grasp the benefits of infancy and being under chiropractic care, but this is a critical time to make sure that your child's spine is moving properly. Up to 95% of newborns have increased stress and tension in their body after birth. Musculoskeletal issues have a profound impact on infant health. This stress in the body can have its origins in the fetal environment in utero, in the positioning of the fetus during the birth process, and in the way the newborn is delivered. These minor injuries/physical stressors get overlooked and can cause complications with how your baby's nervous system is functioning.

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When the brain and body aren’t talking properly and/or musculoskeletal tension is present, babies often have:

  • Feeding challenges (if breastfeeding, latching better on one side over the other)

  • Colic

  • Difficult to console/tense

  • Sleep challenges (beyond those first regulating 6-8 weeks)

  • Digestion issues/Constipation

  • Weakened immune systems (takes longer to bounce back from common colds, ear infections and viruses)

  • Torticollis (head tilted in one direction)

  • Abnormal crawl patterns

 A child’s nervous system not only controls their growth and development, but also allows them to experience life. Therefore, it is essential that their nervous system be working properly and free of interference.  Chiropractic care for children allows for proper communication between their body and brain. The adjustment is performed through safe and gentle techniques specific to your child’s needs. Often, pressure (no more than what you can put on your closed eye) is used.  

 Chiropractic care offers your family a solid foundation for wellness. It is our goal to enhance your child’s ability to function in a greater state of health.

Chiropractic for kids, Sumner WA, Bedwetting in kids, carsickness in kids, chiropractic and sleep for kids, pediatric constipation, my kid won't sleep, why are my kids are sick all the time.

Waddlers and Toddlers:

Generally, toddlers are not complaining about recurring pain, but they do experience emotional, chemical, and physical stress while they are developing. Childhood comes with awkward sleeping positions (car seats in particular). This stage is filled with twists and falls as they learn how to walk, run and climb. At this age children are very resilient and are capable of taking falls but it is also common that some of the injuries cause spinal misalignments.  Children’s brains require proper spinal movement for optimal neurodevelopment. 

When the brain and body aren’t talking properly and/or muscle tension is present, littles often have:

  • Sleep challenges 

  • Digestion issues/Constipation

  • Weakened immune systems (takes longer to bounce back from common colds, ear infections and viruses)

  • Abnormal gait (walking/running) patterns

  • Motion sickness

  • Irritability

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Elementary Age:

Poor posture while watching TV, head hung while looking at a tablet or other smart device, and sitting at a desk all lead to unnecessary pressure on the spine. We can’t forget how wearing a heavy backpack has effects on the child’s growing spine. When the brain and body aren’t talking properly and/or muscle tension is present, school-age children often present with:

  • Bedwetting

  • Concentration issues 

  • Sleep challenges 

  • Headaches/Migraines

  • Digestion issues/Constipation

  • Asthma and allergies 

  • Weakened immune systems (takes longer to bounce back from common colds, ear infections and viruses)

  • Abnormal gait (walking/running) patterns

  • Irritability / Stress 


Ever heard of “tech neck” - it’s all the rage right now :) 

It’s probably not too surprising that our older kids are experiencing more pain than ever before. Children have lower levels of physical activity than the generations prior. One reason for this inactivity is youth are spending an average of 5-7 hours a day on  their phones, tablets or computers. Enter the epidemic know as “tech neck” that comes from hours of bending forward to look at said devices. This results in postural stress and  structural changes to their bones, ligaments and muscles that are supporting their head and neck. It can even cause eye problems and changes to breathing and circulation. 

Poor alignment in teens may present like:

  • Concentration issues 

  • Sleep challenges 

  • Headaches/Migraines

  • Neck + back pain

  • Fatigue

  • Knee + shoulder pain 

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

Chiropractic for kids, Sumner WA, Bedwetting in kids, carsickness in kids, chiropractic and sleep for kids, pediatric constipation, my kid won't sleep, why are my kids are sick all the time.


Does your child have a brain and spine? If so, your child needs a chiropractor! It’s a common misconception that chiropractic is only for “adults with back pain.” Just as you visit your dentist for routine regular check ups, the same benefit of routine care can be found with chiropractic. As a brain based chiropractor, my goal is to share my knowledge about how powerful and smart your body is when it is given the opportunity to feel and function at its best. 

Chiropractic for kids, Sumner WA, Bedwetting in kids, carsickness in kids, chiropractic and sleep for kids, pediatric constipation, my kid won't sleep, why are my kids are sick all the time.


During your child's visit, Dr. Mike will discuss your child’s medical history and lifestyle. He will complete a thorough examination answering questions along the way and in some cases recommend x-rays (although it is rare in children under 12 and dependent upon exam findings). Once the exam is complete, most often children are adjusted on their first visit. 

At the next visit an individualized care plan is presented which includes a recommended visit schedule, nourishment support, and/or movement recommendations.